If you are awash in data, gets your hands dirty with the actual numbers. Don't always rely on charts and graphs created by someone else to tell you the story.
What should your sales management team spend their time doing? Should they spend all their time going on appointments with their sales reps? Or, should they spend their time back at headquarters working on making the company more efficient?
How do you represent pricing to your customers? Are you wishy washy or are you confident your market research has led you to price it appropriately for your target audience?
Do you have an idea for a business that only you could execute? Why then would you offer up the idea to someone else who would mutilate your vision. Instead, keep it and develop it yourself. Your future customers deserve you, not someone else.
Management job is to make choices for the company. You can't have it all and if you try you will end up with a company that employees and customer find difficult to comprehend.
Do you have policies that your employees and customer hate? WHY DO YOU HAVE THEM? By removing them you can increase customer satisfaction, empower employees and increase efficiencies.
Hiring employees that you treat as adults will save you time, energy and money in management overhead. Good chance that if you treat them like adults, they will act like adults.
The role of a Marine Corps Officer is to: 1) Complete the Mission and 2) Take care of your Marines. In this order. But, if you take care of your Marines, they will take care of the mission.