Process Improvement Loop
author: Lee Buttolph
This is a poster I created for a company I did some consulting work for.
I made a lot of copies and posted them throughout the organization. If they ever got lost and didn't know how to proceed I would point to the poster and make them walk through the steps.
Process Improvement Loop
1. Fault of Employee is Fault of Management (Example)
- Don’t rush to yell when there is a good chance the mistake was your fault
- Use mistakes as an opportunity for process improvement
- A good checklist solves most employee mistakes
2. Focus on the Bottleneck (Core Problem)
- All decisions must be made in support of the bottleneck
- 1 hour downtime at Bottleneck = 1 hour cost to run the entire company
- “If you do not deal directly with the core problem, don’t expect significant improvement.” —Eli Goldratt
3. Go to the Bottleneck to: WATCH, LEARN, IMPROVE
- Spend most of your time watching instead of talking
- Learn from each job:
a. When the employee is doing too much
b. When the employee is doing too little
c. What questions/issues arise over and over again
- Use standardized process flows as the basis for improvement
Process Improvement Loop